We took two CDs worth of shots during the recently held Fashion Week spectacle featuring Levis (that's Brand Leader Steve Romasanta next to me), all digital and immediately downloaded into a portable drive. Such a far cry from a photographer's vest bulging with film rolls.
It was quite a show, with 100 models (no repeats) strutting their stuff in 4 interpretative segments by some of the more interesting fashion designers in town. Studio 23 has the broadcast rights and I think they'll air it in a couple of weeks.
The stunning thing is that the budget for something like this is profoundly high, which is understandable given all the elements required plus the venue (Ayala Center).
Of course, Marc and I now want to do a fashion show, preferably with some of the hot things around, ha ha ha.
For some of our pics (thanks to lensman Erik Liongorin - Marc and I just played support with our inferior digicams), go here.
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