Wednesday, September 18, 2002

lies! all lies!

Jason told us yesterday that the Filipinas Heritage Library was selling some of its books for rock-bottom prices. Excitedly, the bibliophiles among our coterie who could make it made plans to buy stuff. I wanted Colonial period books, in particular. Instead, when Mike, Nikki and I got there we found two miserable tables with the kind of books even the Booksale people would turn their noses up at. Yes, it was that bad. Being the eternal blind optimist that he is, Mike gamely bought several books of questionable worth. What I wanted to know was why something with the word Heritage in their name was selling "Her Secret Love" - does the Ayala Foundation know about this? Moral of the story? You, Mr. Banico, are a bad person!

better books

Frustrated, we hied off to the nearby Powerbooks along Pasay Road and I bought myself some resource materials including Constantino's "A Past Revisted", which I now recall to have been one of textbooks somewhere along the road of my education. Strange. I also got poor Sage a Blue's Clues bathbook with pictures that appear when the book is wet, and the latest issue of WITCH. Other things I wanted to buy, but didn't, include a book on Enthonography, the History of the Mountain People (with emphasis on the Spanish period) and a book that collected a lot of material pertaining to old churches and buildings during the same era. After that, we met up with Dino, publisher of 2Yu, and talked about our future distribution plans for our own books.

an interest in history

On the way back, I was thinking about how much more history would have been interesting to me as a student if I the books were better written and the teachers were more knowledgeable. Over a decade ago, some comic book creators in Brazil decided to involve themselves in the education and came up with comics with stories on history. The end result is a nation whose future leaders acknowledge the viability of the format and perhaps a better appreciation of their past. Why can't we do it here? They performed the same strategy to gain acceptance for roleplaying games there.


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