At last our friend Marco has his own blog! You can go there to check out his infectious zaniness and read up on his reviews on anime and thoughts on a variety of things. He's one hell of a funny guy. For more of his lovely flying girl, click this.
her name is lola (siony)
Remember the old woman who’d greet me every morning when I passed by her stall? Today I decided to take control of my stride and slowed my pace to leisurely stroll as I approached her area. Her eyes crinkled and lit up as she greeted me, then looked down as she usually did, expecting no more than an echo of the same sentiment on my part. Instead, I asked her what her name was. Surprised, she smiled and told me it was “Siony”. I told her my name, grinned and moved on.
While thinking what her proper name could be (possibly Asuncion or Poblacion or something like that), I realized that not only were my steps lighter, but that I had learned the mundane name of the most secret of common things – a stranger; and that if I continue to control the cadence of my morning walk, I could one day muster enough courage to ask her why she was crying on that one particular morning.
y sus videos también
When I got to the office, my partner surprised me copies of the films I’ve been pestering him for the longest time – Alejandro González Iñárritu’s “Amores Perros” and Alfonso Cuarón’s “Y Tu Mama Tambien”. Of course, you’ve heard or read about these films like I have, but tonight Nikki and I get to indulge in a little español – after all, todo necesitamos son las astillas de papa, softdrinks y una mochila de cigarrillos de Marlboro.
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