I'm excited about our new comic, Ab Ovo, coming out next month. All stories by myself and Nikki Alfar (As Snow As Blood, The Lost, Textmen) with art by Carl Vergara (cover and interior), Tony Bucu, Sid Santos, Jogs Garcia and Bok Jamlang.
And even more exciting are the preparations for the next issue: I plan to ask my comic friends to contribute 4 pagers each. I've asked Tony Bucu (P-Noise), Carl Vergara (One Night in Purgatory, Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah), Vin Simbulan (Isaw, Twilight Empires), Jason Banico (Baylans) and will ask Marco Dimaano (Angel Ace) and Arnold Arre (Mythology Class, Trip to Tagaytay, The Lost) too. This will be a mixture of art and writing from some of the most talented creators I know. If there's room for me (and there ought to be!) I'll probably publish the "Asian Girl" episode I wrote in Hong Kong (illustrated by J. Lim).
With this combination of creators, it should be an interesting read, don't you think?
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