Monday, November 11, 2002

tofu found

Marc wrote to tell me that Tofu, the missing poodle from the photo shoot, was finally found among the deep cogon grass. Pipeline offered a $100 reward and the dragnet found the poor thing, cold and hungry but very much alive - to our collective relief. This means that my mother, the dog fancier and owner of Tofu, will not have my balls cut off and bronzed as a token of vengeance. Smile Marc! They call this kind of experience character-building! How I long to be home!

plane crash

I just read that a Fokker crashed into Manila Bay and that 14 or 18 people died. Just terrible.

FHM Diana Zubiri Calendar

Ha! Thanks to Mimmon, my former colleague and associate director at k2ia, I have crystal clear images of the entire calendar that has been the object of many a lustful eye. Vin got me the real thing, but with digital pictures, well, a lot can happen.

digicam 2

To my shock, I got another Digicam from my dad - can you believe it? This one is a new Olympus filmless digital printing camera with a built-in Polaroid printer, so I have the option of printing right away or saving it to my hard drive.

Hmmm. Maybe I should start hinting about a car or a house?

I'm so delighted that I think I'll be an amateur photographer. Or do porn. LOL


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