KC Strange , developed by Marco Dimaano and Nikki Alfar, was supposed to have debuted some time ago (but, you know how sometimes circumstances conspire to twart the best laid plans of creative men as poor as church mice).
But next month, in the pages of Ab Ovo #2, KC Strange will at last be introduced to the world. She is a kickass investigator of the extraordinary, using weapons and grit when push comes to shove.
Can you tell how excited I am about this? Go over to Marco's for a better neak peek.
In addition, Vin Simbulan's story (pencilled and inked by Oliver P.) and Arnold Arre's vignette are both ready for pick up. In a couple of days, I'll have Carlo Vergara's techno meditation, Jason Banico's Hinirang take (illustrated by Honel Ibardolaza), Tony Bucu's "Blue" and Nikki Alfar's "Asin (Salt)".
It'll be great, I tell you. Can't wait.
Sheesh. Now I don't know what the hell I'll throw in, as these guys have upped the ante!
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