Monday, August 25, 2003

longing for breakfast

One of these days, stomach and time permitting, I will treat myself to a huge breakfast, probably at some hotel or upscale resto with white linen.

Once in a while I feel like being irrationally decadent, just to throw a monkey wrench into the imposed order of life, time and schedule. This time, I'm thinking about food - which is also most likely a rebellious action against the tyranny of my amoeba overlords.

First, I'd allocate three hours to eat.

Then - a massive spread, of freshly-baked breads and rolls and a variety of jams, butter and spreadables. Eight kinds of eggs, slabs of bacon and ham, and fifteen varieties of pancakes, waffles and muffins. Lots of cold juices, piping hot coffee and a sea of desserts to balance the savories.

Hmm. Maybe tomorrow.


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