Wednesday, November 24, 2004

writing and talking

I've managed to reach an agreement with the part of me that simply wants to escape into any activity other than writing - all the pirate DVDs and multi-colored Pokemon games I can take next month.

Salamanca's first draft is around 80% done, and I'm experiencing two sensations at the same time: first the feeling of freefall, like words snowballing into the ending I envisioned from the day I started writing the novel; and second, pain from all the times I've been metaphysically hitting myself on the head for deciding to write in this mode in such an absurd timeframe. Sigh.

I can't wait for this month and this novel to be done. I have a couple of strong ideas for short fiction plus the disrupted plays in progress I was working on earlier.

talking with jason

Before and after the Web Awards last night (we were nominated for best corporate website and lost to the deserving Honda site), Jason and I had a hell of conversation starting with observations on the textured nuances of loneliness of Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan to matters of faith, love and death-defying drives.


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