Thursday, August 24, 2006

into the hands of another

I just submitted the manuscript of my anthology of short fiction to Anvil today, after relentless editing, rewrites and agonizing. In the end, there's only so much one can do before one has to let go and hope for the best. I'm happy one way or the other with each of the 16 stories I included, written over the past couple of years. All but two have been previously published (or are scheduled to be published in the next few months) and three have won awards. I'm hoping Anvil finds merit in the collection and includes it in their publication schedule for 2007.

With it out of my (metaphorical) hair, I can really focus on generating new stuff - instead of tinkering with existing stories.

When I met Karina Bolasco of Anvil last night at the Philippine Free Press Awards and started talking about publishing with her, she said "Is it your next novel?".

"Um, no," I smiled back, mildly stunned, because I've written less than a thousand words of "Sinverguenzza". I find it hard to concentrate on the new novel. My usual discipline is on vacation somewhere. It's easier to write short stories.

So now the antho is in her hands and the wait begins.

On to Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol.2.


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