Saturday, January 03, 2009


And here I am, forty years old.

Growing up, this age seemed so infinitely distant, the domain of the elderly, and of course like all callow youth I thought I'd be young forever. But time is relentless, and with every year that breezes by I realize more and more how precious everything is. We act like everyday is a given, when in truth every day is a gift and we need to make the most of each one.

Do I feel any different from 39? No, not really. If anything, I actually feel empowered, like I suddenly crossed the threshhold into serious shit - but of course I get to bring what makes me me along for the ride, all my eccentricities (yes, I get to call my quirks that now).

I celebrated quietly, with family and friends, over lunch and dinner, books and conversation.

Andrew, Vin, Nikki, me, Kate and Alex

Thanks to everyone who wished me well - I appreciate your remembering!

Two of the most wonderful gifts I received (and I'm delighted to get more than my fair share from my girls and friends and family - salamat!) have me pumped early in the new year: a story sale to a Philippine antho edited by Ruey de Vera, and an invitation to be part of an international antho. Huzzah!

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