Thursday, October 10, 2002

what a day

A very fruitful one. Good news from a pair of clients – they want to retain my company’s services on a monthly basis because they liked our work. Let me tell you that for a company like ours, that’s equivalent to the holy grail. This is precisely the nature of a business relationship I’ve been wanting to build, one in which we do not rely exclusively on one-shot projects. The best part is that these two clients are NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) that are well-funded.

Nikki dropped by the office to pick up the scripts for the CD ROM project we’re doing for a bank. The funny thing is that I outsourced the writing to her and she ended up doing the voice-overs (you may be sickened by the way I rave about my wife, but another of her qualities is her killer voice).

We got the go-signal from the government agency for whom we’re creating a pair of calendars, so I’m sending one of my senior designers to Hong Kong next week to oversee the color separation process.

And later, I was able to consult with Jason for another two projects we are about to embark on. He’s a whiz when it comes to the technology side and I’m tapping him to handle the monster e-commerce site we need to build.

Such a far cry from last week’s despair, but business is like that. It’s cycles are enough to drive me up the wall. Projects come in packs, like wolves. But when its a drought, you fear for your very existence.

pipeline media

In a nutshell here’s what we are: Pipeline Media is an Integrated Marketing Communications company (IMC) that does three things very well – graphic design, content development and digital media. I keep a lean crew and act like a digital agency in some aspects.

If you need to know more, just write me.

after hours

Continuing my great day, I visited Mike at his store, Comicquest. The new stuff was there of course, but I made it a point to ignore the comics (willpower!) in favor of beginning work on our a little writing project with him.

Nikki joined us, followed by Ralph, Jason and Marco and we all had dinner at “Steak Joint” and talked about Jason’s peculiar dreams, Marco’s foot fetish, the new Magic: The Gathering card set release “Onslaught”, and how to win the lottery. The pot is huge (P160M/US$3.2M) and expended all we knew about patterns and chaos theory in an attempt to discern the winning numbers.

I made Jason promise to give each of us 1% of his prize money – in case he wins (remember the story about the guy who won and how he split the money with his barber because he promised him half)!


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