Just came back from a party at Shiraz, a wine bar in Makati, hosted by our apparel client. It was small and cozy and red wine flowed like there was no tomorrow. I've also seen a curious object of desire - Levi's Red Loop Jeans, at around P3k each, limited to 2000 pieces for the entire country. Nikki and I went along with Marc and his wife Teret plus Dindo and chowed down on the great food. In a way, it was great to be back at Shiraz; after all, Pipeline designed their logo and menu, and Dindo's restaurant acts as a commissary for the bar.
One of the reasons we were there was to get final approval from the client as to the cover of Ab Ovo. They opted for a male version (too bad for the nice cover Carl designed), so Kestrel Studios' production manager, Tony Bucu, came up with a couple of studies using artwork from another story. Having to go through another color sep process does have an impact on our schedule, but I think we can still make it. I instructed the new printers to go ahead with all the interior pages anyway.
Peculiar developments in the world of food: Greece won the exclusive rights to the term "Feta". Immediately, only Greece and its regions can call ewe's milk "Feta" - and no one else in the world can! France won the right for "Roquefort" but lost "Champagne" when America went up in protest. Sheesh. Well, at least I know that the Philippines can lay claim to all the "Adobo" and "Bagoong" it wants.
Now let's play catch-up over the last few days.
I spent mostly at home, feeling ill. But I had to go and pay the electric bill so I had my head shaved as is my wont. Finished with the translation for the 2nd issue of "TXTMen", which Jason later edited. I think our new working arrangement is that we submit scripts already translated, instead of going the usual route. Tagalog is a pain to write. Everything seems longer and the repetitive nature of certain syllables wears me out. Additionally, I have to strike a balance between the formal and the vernacular, which really gets hairy at times. Still, it's good exercise for the brain and at the same time it keeps me in touch with the language of my country. I would hate to lose that.
Nikki and I spent our 7th wedding anniversary in bed.
No, not for the reasons you think, but because we were both ill. We caught the flu and poor Sage also had a fever (due to her 7th tooth coming out).
I had planned for us to have a romantic dinner and all that, but it was simply not meant to be. Seven years flew by and gave us incredible experiences, both good and bad. We had our share of happiness and tragedy, much like everyone else, and our togetherness makes us stronger. I love my wife tremendously and I would be lost without her.
Can you tell how happy we are in our wedding picture?
computer daze
But what really took the cake was when I tried to turn on my computer and all I got was a dead screen and an ominous beeping noise from its innards. Shocked, I lugged the damn PC and WALKED to Greenhills (feeling I would faint at any time because of my fever) only to find th shop where I bought it was closed. So I went to another shop and watched them connect my PC to their monitor - and it worked. I explained that I was certain it was not my monitor at all. They suggested perhaps it was my memory card. Anyway, I went back home with the PC, dumped it, and walked to my office to pick up a spare monitor. When I got back, the spare monitor had the same problem - power on, but a blue field stating in no uncertain terms that it was not getting a signal. So I manfully dismantled the entire thing and exposed my complete and utter ignorance of how a computer works. Desperate, I called my shop, found out that they were finally open, and had a technician come over to help me. They agreed (and they should, since I purchased 12 computers and 13 monitors from them last year) and I sat down with Sage to calm down. When the tech guy arrived, he proved that all my problems stemmed from the fact that the memory card was grounded - and he had to go back to shop for parts. Sigh. I told him to pick up some memory for my PC as well. Ultimately, it was fixed. The final cost? Much walking around carrying heavy things (those monitors are heavy sons-of-bitches), around P2.5k for service and memory card, and much stress.
What an anniversay, eh?
Sage attended the 2nd birthday of her cousin, J. Dean (yup, named after me) at Burger King. She was delighted to be in the company of other kids close to her age and made a fair go at climbing the slide like the big girls. I took this picture at the play area where they have this contraption that kids can climb, crawl into, hang on to and slide down from.
Isn't she just gorgeous?
I also took the opportunity to take pictures of other family members for the massive family tree I'm putting together. My aunt surprised me with old photos of me from birth to around 8 years-old for my collection.
I love old pictures and trying to identify all the people in them. Some I eventually recognize. Others remain a cipher I have to figure out. It seems that so many people played a role in my growing up, large and infinitesimial, in California, Palawan and Manila.
The guys and I went to a buffet and stuffed ourselves silly. Actually, it was three buffets you could choose from - Japanese, Spanish/American and Filipino. I opted for the Filipino foods, gorging myself without guilt on all the dishes available. Once in a while, you just have to say "fuck it" and chew the fat, literally. Just don't do it too often.
After that, we had coffee at Cibo and I took pictures of their cool bathroom with all the mirrors and the funky sink. Good enough for the mirror project?
We delighted ourselves with the incongrous thought of Jason as Spiderman (we would all look silly in spandex) swinging around the city.
After that, we tried to get a cab with our friends but it was jsut impossible. Then, feeling like a cell phone television commecial, I called the nearby hotel and told them to hold a car for my wife and I. The unexpected expense of renting a car was balanced by the fact that we at last got home before the sun rose.
Just came back from a party at Shiraz, a wine bar in Makati, hosted by our apparel client. It was small and cozy and red wine flowed like there was no tomorrow. I've also seen a curious object of desire - Levi's Red Loop Jeans, at around P3k each, limited to 2000 pieces for the entire country. Nikki and I went along with Marc and his wife Teret plus Dindo and chowed down on the great food. In a way, it was great to be back at Shiraz; after all, Pipeline designed their logo and menu, and Dindo's restaurant acts as a commissary for the bar.
Peculiar developments in the world of food: Greece won the exclusive rights to the term "Feta". Immediately, only Greece and its regions can call ewe's milk "Feta" - and no one else in the world can! France won the right for "Roquefort" but lost "Champagne" when America went up in protest. Sheesh. Well, at least I know that the Philippines can lay claim to all the "Adobo" and "Bagoong" it wants.
Now let's play catch-up over the last few days.
I spent mostly at home, feeling ill. But I had to go and pay the electric bill so I had my head shaved as is my wont. Finished with the translation for the 2nd issue of "TXTMen", which Jason later edited. I think our new working arrangement is that we submit scripts already translated, instead of going the usual route. Tagalog is a pain to write. Everything seems longer and the repetitive nature of certain syllables wears me out. Additionally, I have to strike a balance between the formal and the vernacular, which really gets hairy at times. Still, it's good exercise for the brain and at the same time it keeps me in touch with the language of my country. I would hate to lose that.
No, not for the reasons you think, but because we were both ill. We caught the flu and poor Sage also had a fever (due to her 7th tooth coming out).
I had planned for us to have a romantic dinner and all that, but it was simply not meant to be. Seven years flew by and gave us incredible experiences, both good and bad. We had our share of happiness and tragedy, much like everyone else, and our togetherness makes us stronger. I love my wife tremendously and I would be lost without her.
Can you tell how happy we are in our wedding picture?
computer daze
But what really took the cake was when I tried to turn on my computer and all I got was a dead screen and an ominous beeping noise from its innards. Shocked, I lugged the damn PC and WALKED to Greenhills (feeling I would faint at any time because of my fever) only to find th shop where I bought it was closed. So I went to another shop and watched them connect my PC to their monitor - and it worked. I explained that I was certain it was not my monitor at all. They suggested perhaps it was my memory card. Anyway, I went back home with the PC, dumped it, and walked to my office to pick up a spare monitor. When I got back, the spare monitor had the same problem - power on, but a blue field stating in no uncertain terms that it was not getting a signal. So I manfully dismantled the entire thing and exposed my complete and utter ignorance of how a computer works. Desperate, I called my shop, found out that they were finally open, and had a technician come over to help me. They agreed (and they should, since I purchased 12 computers and 13 monitors from them last year) and I sat down with Sage to calm down. When the tech guy arrived, he proved that all my problems stemmed from the fact that the memory card was grounded - and he had to go back to shop for parts. Sigh. I told him to pick up some memory for my PC as well. Ultimately, it was fixed. The final cost? Much walking around carrying heavy things (those monitors are heavy sons-of-bitches), around P2.5k for service and memory card, and much stress.
What an anniversay, eh?
Isn't she just gorgeous?
I also took the opportunity to take pictures of other family members for the massive family tree I'm putting together. My aunt surprised me with old photos of me from birth to around 8 years-old for my collection.
I love old pictures and trying to identify all the people in them. Some I eventually recognize. Others remain a cipher I have to figure out. It seems that so many people played a role in my growing up, large and infinitesimial, in California, Palawan and Manila.
The guys and I went to a buffet and stuffed ourselves silly. Actually, it was three buffets you could choose from - Japanese, Spanish/American and Filipino. I opted for the Filipino foods, gorging myself without guilt on all the dishes available. Once in a while, you just have to say "fuck it" and chew the fat, literally. Just don't do it too often.
We delighted ourselves with the incongrous thought of Jason as Spiderman (we would all look silly in spandex) swinging around the city.
After that, we tried to get a cab with our friends but it was jsut impossible. Then, feeling like a cell phone television commecial, I called the nearby hotel and told them to hold a car for my wife and I. The unexpected expense of renting a car was balanced by the fact that we at last got home before the sun rose.
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