Ah, the perils of multi-tasking.
There are times I wish I could split myself and get more done, instead of running around like a dog.
The thing is, I need to consolidate everything since I have stuff scattered on both my home and office computers. Sounds simple until I run into all the versions and odd titles I created (plus the gall of Word to ask if it can merge versions together).
Codename: Sunburn- Waiting for final outline from collaborator. Once that is in, I can begin scripting. You know who you are, Mr. Collaborator. The challenge here for me is the genre, definitely not one of my favored ones. It stands to reason though, that a story well-told transcends genre classification, and everything else becomes cosmetic trappings. We'll see if I'm correct or if there are certain elements that I cannot do without.
Codename: Too Many Characters - I'll be writing the prologue and the first short story as soon as I get a better grasp of what's going on here. The challenge here is handling the cast of thousands in a finite number of pages. The solution is to focus on a few and relegate the rest to amusing eye candy since there will be opportunities for additional stories in the future anyway.
Codename: War Sucks - I need a go signal from my creative producer on this since the war in the Middle East has passed a certain point (though there are warning bells about Syria and North Korea). If it is still a yes, then a short form text riddled with not-so-subtle political agenda can be produced in a reasonable time.
Codename: Technovision- Finished early this morning. I just need to be able to stand back and edit objectively. I think it's good. If it does what I hope it does, then I can lay certain suspicions to rest.
Codename: Butcher - Also finished. I have decided to go with how I originally envisioned it to told. Damn the torpedoes.
Codename: Exposure- Finished. I like the rhythm and have decided to peg on a little appeal to relevance. Heh.
Codename: Ewan - Finished but will most likely rewrite en toto.
Codename: Heaven - Argh. I think I may have to shelve this one since it refuses to be written. I have around 1/4 of it, and does look inviting, but the rest of story thinks it has SARS and has quarantined itself.
Codename: Rice - 5 pages in. Surprisingly, those are 5 middle pages. For once, I actually do not have a clear beginning or an ending.
Codename: A1 - I'll look into the business side first, getting quotes tomorrow to see if it is viable. If the cost seems reasonable, then I look for financing. If it still looks positive, then I'll formally invite the creative teams.
Codename: Earthsea - Initial payment is scheduled to come in, so we can begin writing. If all goes according to plan, I'll need to commission the covers and spot illustrations earlier.
And apart from all of that, there's regular work which picks up tomorrow.
I need a vacation - again.
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