Tuesday, July 11, 2006

fully booked weekend

Well, I honestly thought that my involvement with the Fully Booked event was being part of the Writers Forum on Sunday at 4:30PM. However, it turns out that I am reading excerpts from the short listed finalists on Saturday afternoon, around 4PM as part of the show. Something like the Neruda readings by way of literary/celebrity icons (though I am quick to point out that I am NEITHER an icon nor a celebrity, so put those pitchforks away).

Part of me is tickled by the sweet irony of it all, haha. I'll be reading aloud from the works that trumped mine in the same competition - and the gods laugh.

Seriously though, I have no issues. I'm delighted to help further the cause of speculative fiction in any small way I can. I hope that one of the winners is a new author, someone unpublished, because that would make me very happy. I also hope that Ian wins, because his story is cool and, according to him, patterned after my own "L'Aquilone du Estrellas (The Kite of Stars)", so that makes it ubercool.

Fully Booked is also bringing out copies of my novel "Salamanca" for me to sign. So I'll bring a pen.

So let me know if you'll be there on either day. Let's say hello and have a good laugh (or a quick smoke) - besides, there's a rumor Neil Gaiman will be in town.


Here's the email from Fully Booked (quick question: would you rather be "renowned" or "well-loved"? haha)

"Hello everyone,

A few more updates to entice you all to come this Saturday, July 15, to the First Philippine
Graphic/Fiction Awards night:

1. Because we at Fully Booked have been very appreciative and impressed with the entries
we received this year, we will be highlighting the best quotes/excerpts from the prose/
fiction category, as well as the best comics pages from every contestant that submitted to
our competition.

2. We will be having live prose readings of selected excerpts of the short listed finalists
from respected personalities in various fields, such as eight-time Palanca Award winner
and renowned playwright Dean Alfar; well-loved writer, editor and eternal fan of Johnny
Depp Karen Kunawicz; Sundance award-winning filmmaker for "Imelda," Ramona Diaz,
among others. (More names to follow in next email update.)

3. Our very own world-class Filipino comics artists Gerry Alanguilan, Arnold Arre, Alfredo
Alcala Jr., Wilson Tortosa will be participating in our event through exhibits, forums,
booksignings and the like.

4. Because this is a celebration of extraordinary Filipino talent, we will be partying the
night away with cases and cases of Red Horse beer. =)

Four days to go fellow dreamers!

Fully Booked Management."


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