
That's Lan Medina's cover of the upcoming 4th issue of the Digest of Philippine Genre Stories, featuring a scene from Vin Simbulan's "The Last Stand Of Aurundar". The issue's stories include "Psychic Family" by Apol Lejano-Massebieau, "Chimaera" by Yvette Tan, and "Blink, Wake Up" by Mia Tijam - quite a lineup by editor Kenneth Yu. My own piece, "In the Dim Plane", is in the fantasy mode, with a sprinkling of other genres.
Both Vin's and my stories are part of the Forlorn Cycle, a world Vin and I are tearing down and plunging into ruination bit by bit. It is no secret that I despaired of writing any more pure fantasy years ago, before the realization that I didn't have to follow any tired tropes or mechanisms or styles that I didn't want to. Thus freed from the shackles of what I thought must be the Ways of Fantasy, I could write the fantastic in any way that appealed to me, both as a writer and as a reader. PGS#4 should be out late Feb/early March.
This afternoon, the National Book Development Board Book Club discusses my collection "The Kite of Stars and Other Stories." It'll be interesting revisiting all those stories. Tara FT Sering moderates, so if you are in the area, drop by. Here is how to get there.
Nikki and I received pre-release copies of the new antho of contemporary Philippine fantasy where we each have a story appear. I promise to post more when the book is available at bookstores (in just a couple of weeks).
Which reminds me of the three deadlines I have before the month ends. Gah. Sometimes, I just want to sleep, haha.
Labels: in the dim plane, nbdb, pgs
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