Friday, September 20, 2002


It's been several days and Sage is still sick. She last saw her doctor on Tuesday (its Friday) when she was diagnosed as having oral thrush. But since then, she's had a cold and here-today-gone-tomorrow fever. What's worse is that when seems to have a lot of mucus buildup because she's having a hard time breathing. I think she's lost some weight too, since the oral medicine that is wiped in the inside of her mouth is of an unpleasant taste, making all her food taste unappetizing to her. It's a terrible feeling watching a hungry baby unable to eat properly. I know I've said this before (why am I making apologies for writing it?) but I wish I could take her ailments unto myself instead of having her suffer through them. We'll be taking her to the hospital today, but hopefully a direct phone call to the pedia will be enough. I abominate my helplessness in this situation.Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I've heard enough stories of how something so innocuous could suddenly become something more terrible. (On a side note, I just recalled that the Bible says that to worry is a sin - because it shows how little faith and trust you have in God. Well.)

a visit from the princess

Sage's grandmother (my mother), Princess Monjierra Alonto-Disini (glam shot from the back cover of Ruin), visited to see how the poor baby was doing. She promised to send over sugpo and caldereta for lunch and is sending her driver to take Sage to the hospital, when we go. As my mother and I grow older, the nature of our relationship continues to evolve as well. There was a time I played the rebellious first son and she the aggrieved mother, usually resulting in telenovela style confrontations - stereotypical, well, at least for me (being the opinionated person that I am). But as time passed, we became friends able to share stories over dinner or just laugh about our common memories. During the time of her illness, when she was diagnosed as having systemic lupus and given 6 months to live, she decided that she wanted to live and fought the disease with a will that defied all sorrow. She got better and nowadays spends a lot of her time in socio-civic interests. She also continues to play one hell of a badminton game.


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