Monday, November 18, 2002

back to work

It was great seeing my staff and partners again and catching up with all the news and projects. Apparently, the "Tofu Incident" was grander than I initially thought, and the way the guys acted out the story was simply hilarious. All the artists for the comic book we're creating for our apparel client have submitted their work, and while everything looks great, Carl's work is awesome. While the style is obviously his, he has employed a different method and the results are - yowza! You'll see it soon after the launch. All the various photoshoots for various clients also went well, with the combination of our inhouse and outsourced photographers. I am such a believer in the digicam.

We have a comfortable amount of work on our collective plates - just enough to be challenging, not overwhelming, and I am delighted to be back in the office.

So I'm spending today getting back in the groove and fighting my jet lag (which is odd since I didn't use to get - must be the act of travelling with a baby), and will end the day by going on a date with Nikki to watch the new Harry Potter film, just us.

Ah, the luxury of a yaya!


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