Just look at these two beautiful girls and tell me if I'm not the most fortunate man in the world.
Whenever I see my daughter Sage, I still can't believe I had something to do with her. She is so incredible, so unreal, that it boggles my heart when we have a conversation over a cup of faux tea (ME: Sage, are you happy? SAGE: Happy, Daddy!), or jump on the bed or watch Finding Nemo for the gazillionth time (repeated viewings do not diminish it as one of the best films of the year). I see so much of myself, so much of Nikki, in her.
When I think of all the things I've achieved in my life, she's at the top of the list. If there's anything of worth I can leave behind in the world, Emerson-wise or otherwise, it's my daughter.
Then there is my kakampi, the rock of my existence, my gorgeous wife Nikki.
Again, the surreal nature of my good fortune threatens to overwhelm me.
She engages my mind and spirit, walks with me in passion, and is my true blue partner.
How can I not be thankful?
Today I have crossed the line of 35, and guess who held my hand, festooned me with presents, a midnight celebration and the unspoken assurance of greater days ahead?
These two, plus my family, plus my great friends, make this day (and all days) worth greeting with a jubilant yawp.
I love you both, and thank you thank you thank you for being part of my life.

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