Saturday, June 19, 2004

still ill


Despite feeling like my brain was made of cotton soaked in kiddie paints, I still had a couple of clients to meet this previous Friday.

It was kinda surreal - at one point in time, my hearing switched off and all I could get was this muted "wah wah wah" like how the adults speak in a Charlie Brown cartoon.

My hearing swtiched back on when one of my clients offered to pay the bill for services rendered. I could nod and smile gamely.

Then off to dinner at n at the Podium with Nikki, Kate and Alex before I ran a game at Wack Wack.

I thought I was doing poorly (but thank god for my notes) however it seems that everyone had a good time. By the time we got home though, my limbs were a dextrous as water balloons and I collapsed into dreamless sleep.

When I get my annual bug, I need to sweat it out, drenching my nightclothes and the bed with my sickly perspiration. It's my system's way of purging the illness. Nikki, on the other hand, needs to be kept in an refrigerated environment - which is detrimental to me when I am sick. So when we're both sick, it's a sad battle for the control of the environment's temperature.

Today, Saturday, despite not having been able to swear everything out, I had another client meeting late afternoon at Global Cafe in Greenbelt. Obviously, I was not in the best condition but I took down notes furiously so I could see what I agreed to do when my mind clears.

At home in bed I kept zoning in and out: Sage saying "Poor Daddy, poor Daddy" and offering a little kiss to make me feel better, Nikki giving me meds and liquids, the helpers buying food and stuff for me to eat.

I feel bad I had to skip out the regular Saturday night out, but I'd just be miserable company.

Illness is truly no fun at all. Thank goodness for DVDs.


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