Wednesday, July 28, 2004

building up passion

Red Berger is one of the finest designers in town, and what you see is a small part of his wrap-around cover for Siglo: Passion. He has created a provocative image that deals with the three seats of human passion - mind, heart and corpus, as well as designing this year's logo.

I have nothing but admiration for this man's sensibilities.

Overall though, multiple snags have set back our publishing schedule but I'm still optimistic. All the artwork and coloring does take time, and Siglo is a labor of love for everyone involved. I'm certain it will all work out.

On the writing front, I woke up with a marvelous conceit for a small play and thought about the structure of it. It represents a new challenge, a different way of flexing mind muscles, so I'll have to cordon off time to get started.


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