Saturday, July 17, 2004


tv time 

I've been invited to write 2 new series for one of the local channels, as part of the creative pool.  If this comes to pass, I'll probably short-circuit with all the things I'm doing.
But the fact is, I like the structure of a 22-minute comedy.  It's like writing a one-act play for laughs.
And the fact that I'll own part of the show appeals to the entrepreneur in me.

we are animals 

Here's the link to the pet store I now co-own.
I'm looking into changing the product mix, creating a more humane environment for the little critters and doing a kick-ass marketing campaign.  This involves trips to Divisoria, Kartimar and Hong Kong.
Lots of things to do before the launch after Ghost Month.
Have I written about Ghost Month?  From August 15 to September 15, the ghosts walk the earth, according to the Chinese.  It is an inauspicious time to begin an endeavor or open a resto or publish a book.


Nikki and I met with Jaime and the publishers of Siglo and while the missed deadlines will mean that Siglo: Passion won't be able to make the book fair, I'm delighted that the fat full-colored book will see print within the year.  The economic realities bind us all.
It's also quite an honor to have Siglo: Freedom nominated for the National Book Award.  It would be great to win it, but in the scheme of things, the mere fact that our collective work has attracted critical attention is quite a feat in itself.
I'm looking forward to the workshop at Powerbooks tomorrow.  At last, my schedule permits me to talk about writing.  I've spent the last few weeks talking about everything else to clients apart from one of the things I really love doing, so this opportunity is a godsend.
I also have my little speech for the Mediamorphosis at the PICC coming up next week, and I'll talk about comics.

working wife

Nikki begins her new career on Monday, which makes this weekend kind of special.
Go, wife, go! 


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