Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Forgive me while I indulge myself, I feel like a cat in pure sunlight.

I just discovered that Claude Lalumière, author, anthologist and critic of speculative fiction, began rating all 5 "best of" books released this year (Year's Best SF 9 by Hartwell & Cramer, Year's Best Fantasy 4 also byHartwell & Cramer, Science Fiction: The Best of 2003 by Haber & Strahan, Year's Best Science Fiction by Dozois, and The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: Seventeenth Annual Collection by Datlow, Link, and Grant).

He rated every story in our anthology, and assigned each a value ranging from +2 (excellent) to -2 (a blot on the anthology).

Let me tell you, my heart was pounding as I slowly read the article, afraid that my contribution would be the blot. "L'Aquilone du Estrellas" got a +1. So, whew! Four of the 38 stories got +2 (Gaiman, Link, Bull and Bacigalupi).

It's not only encouraging, it's pure laugh-out-loud delight.


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