kia hits the stands...
...this weekend!

From mastermind Marco Dimaano:
Whoo-hoo! Nikki and I wrote a story each, so check the antho out!

From mastermind Marco Dimaano:
Starting on April 2, 2005, K.I.A. - Kai: Indomitable Assassin, will be available at Comic Quest Megamall. Buyers who purchase K.I.A. Vol. 1 will also get a copy
of Angel Ace Next (which is a prologue to the new title) absolutely free! (while supplies last)
K.I.A. is the new comic starring Kai, the sexy and dangerous rival/best friend of Angela Gale from of Angel Ace series. Meant as a stand-alone title, K.I.A. can be enjoyed by itself or alongside the Angel Ace storyline.
With no memory of her past and a new identity as the fearesome, seemingly undying assassin known as 'K', Kai must now try to survive as she is sent on mission after deadly mission by a ruthless new commander.
K.I.A. brings together a collection of well-known names in local Filipino comics and publishing, including Gerry Alanguilan, Wilson Tortosa, Arnold Arre, Taga-Ilog, Honoel Ibardolaza, Edgar Tadeo, Dean and Nikki Alfar, Elbert Or and more.
Look for K.I.A. on the comic rack this weekend!
Whoo-hoo! Nikki and I wrote a story each, so check the antho out!
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