Monday, February 20, 2006

birthday weekend

On Saturday, we celebrated Sage's 4th birthday with a costume party for the kids (and of course, Nikki came as Kim Possible and I came as a cowboy). The kids had agreat time playing games (though there was one hairy moment when Sage - ultra-competitive as she is - was stunned by the act of one kid grabbing the straws she was collecting in one of the games, but she was quickly comforted by her ninong Uncle Vin. We had her friends from school, her friends from the condo, her cousins from both sides of the family, her uncles and aunts and grandfather, plus her batallion of loving uncles and aunts who are out dear friends.

Sage came as Belle, in a gold off-the-shoulder gown, and was soon joined by Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Peter Pan, Jasmine and a plethora of Disney characters. She loved all of it: the cakes, the gifts, the games, the company - and so did her parents. A big thank you for everyone who came over to celebrate with us! Your presence meant a lot to our little family.

On Sunday, we quietly celebrated Nikki's birthday with dinner out and rounds of Acquire - at her request (I was thinking of doing something outrageous for her, but it was her call - it was her day after all). While my real gift for her is still en route from the US, I gave her some books (including the hardbound Mage: The Hero Defined volume she's been eyeing for the past year) and a desk for her writing. I love this woman so much that sometimes I feel all these things are just pale representations of how I really feel.

Some pictures now:

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Sage as a cowgirl (yes, everyone loves my hat, as you will see).

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Sage and the cake that almost made me spiral into despair.

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Sleeping Beauty and Belle.

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One costume change (Snow White) later.

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Four years old! Good grief, just 5 years ago, Nikki and I lived in Hong Kong and didn't know what happiness was in store for us a year later.

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With Dad and Mom.

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Nikki, Marco and Andrew

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Cams and Nikki

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Ninong Dino

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Cowgirl Cams (there's that hat - I told you)

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Kate and Alex

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Desperado Alex (see? that's my hat LOL)

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Andrew, Jamie, Ninong Vin and Marco

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The gang (we miss you, Jayce!)

Next time, we're going to throw a kiddie party for one of the adults, complete with theme, games and mascot at McDonalds LOL


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