Thursday, December 20, 2007

ford on the kite

Jeffrey Ford, author of one of my favorite stories of all time ("Creation"), has a few words on my collection:

"One book that came, not mentioned yet, that I picked up immediately and read straight through, was The Kite of Stars and other stories by Dean Francis Alfar. I've been following Alfar's short fiction when it appears in venues in the U.S. and also through the books that Charles sends. You might have already encountered the title story of this new collection from Anvil Publishing over at the webzine, Strange Horizons The story is there online, so give it a look when you get the chance. In this new collection, Alfar puts on a real display of talent with a wide range of styles, structures, and themes (from science fiction, high fantasy, magic realism, horror, and places in between). He's a very accomplished short story writer and really deserves a wider audience in the U.S. The Kite of Stars has 16 stories, including a new one, "MaMachine." Each story comes with an illustration. If you are a fan of short fiction in the field of the fantastic, you should check this collection out."

Thanks, Jeff! And thanks, Charles!):

You can order The Kite of Stars here.



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