It's out of our hands now.
We've submitted the final package to the printers and should see the book by late next week (fingers crossed). If (there I go, hedging again) all turns out well, we'll have a limited hardcover run as well as the regular softcover version. Clocking in at over 140 pages, SIGLO: FREEDOM was certainly a challenge to put together, but the results should be worth all the time, effort and sleepless nights all the creators spent (especially book designer Carl who put the entire thing together).
We've done nothing like this before - having a themed anthology with creators both established and fresh, in two formats, with a soft launch in December (watch this space for the final details) and a big launch in January 2004. We're looking at newspaper ads and TV guestings, at SIGLO posters, bookmarks and t-shirts, along with booksigning, campus and coffee house tours. Yes, there's quite a bit invested in marketing.
Will everything come to pass?
Watch and see.
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