Tuesday, June 22, 2004


A couple of weeks back, a very large potential client called my office at around 4pm on a Friday to request a print ad. With the barest of briefs, Bok and I went to the office on Saturday and did our best, coming up with three ads. We were able to submit it in record time.

We hoped to land the account and were devasted when the client ultimately decided not to use a placement. At that time, I chalked it up to the way of our industry but felt no regrets.

Yesterday, we were summoned by the potential client. They told us how impressed they were by the quality of work, the speed of execution and our integrity - so much so that we've become their new agency, handed three projects to sink our teeth into.

Events like this make me proud of my business and the way we run it. We are still in the learning process but are moving towards what I'd like the company to be.

This is not to say we've got everything down pat, but we're getting there.

So our plate is not empty (thank God!) as I feared in my most paranoid of sleepless nights.


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