Monday, April 18, 2005

table of contents

From Alan Deniro's Ptarmigan:
It's my great pleasure to list here the TOC for Rabid Transit #4 (as yet unnamed!). In alphabetical order:

Terminós, by Dean Francis Alfar
PICK, I am, I am., by James Allison
Fragments, by Matthew Cheney
The Sky Green Box, by Rudi Dornemann
Ballerina, Ballerina, by Eric Rickstad
The Sign in the Window, by Vandana Singh

Pleased as punch about this TOC, and we hope you will be too.

Of course, I am delighted beyond belief!

I am a regular reader of Matthew Cheney's Mumpsimus and his column over at Strange Horizons. I am familar with Vandana Singh because she appeared in the same volume of Year's Best as I did, and I loved her story there.

I am unfamiliar with the other authors but given the eclectic taste of the Ratbastards, I'm certain I'll be happily surprised when I get to read the book.


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